Picture of Jim Hammer
Jim Hammer

The International School of Azerbaijan

The Primary students at The International School of Azerbaijan write and perform their own musical every year. This year the action takes place in space. Students wrote nearly half the script and 12 of the 16 original songs … some just days before showtime!   

As part of their afterschool activities, students are learning the art of writing and performing. This year’s effort is: “Stargazer: A journey into outer space!”  For many, this hour-long show is their first theatre experience. 

In Stargazer, our adventurers are nearing the end of a 1000 year journey to Proxima Centauri.  A lot can go wrong on a very long trip, and our young crew ends up running short of resources, dodging comets, and meeting aliens.

Year after year, many of the ideas come from the students.

They may want to travel in space or to a mysterious island.  They may want to live in a castle or dress up like a superhero.  In the realm of imagination, anything is possible. Entertainment is a major export around the world, and fantastic and familiar stories help the generations connect. 

Parents and children share a love of adventure and happy endings.

About the author: Jim Hammer is a Grade 3 Teacher at TISA. He has been a passionate musical drama enthusiast since he was at school himself and has swept hundreds of TISA students along with his adventures during his after school activities for many years. Every production is an inspiring, inclusive collaboration of students and teachers, empowering students to have a go and take a risk. 

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