Picture of IS Krakow
IS Krakow

IS Krakow launched a new STEAM program this school year, and the excitement in learning is everywhere. The students use critical thinking skills, creativity, and innovation to solve real-world problems through making functional and useful projects. The Grade 1 learners made mazes out of craft sticks for the younger children in the Early Years. Other Elementary students constructed towers, built models of animals, and created musical instruments to build risk-taking skills, adapt to new situations, and collaborate effectively to create final prototypes.

Why not design a dream playground using the five phases of the design thinking process, Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test? Upper Elementary learners could not wait to accept this challenge. Technical proficiency is one of the overarching goals of any STEAM program, and tasks such as designing a dream playground require the learners to incorporate the principles of art while keeping different perspectives in mind for the needs of those who would benefit from using the playground. Such learning tasks help to build a culture of
inclusivity, one of ISK’s core values.

Middle School learners jumped into action at the provocation of building a marble run tower for elementary students. Trial and error are part of the process, so students tested their marble runs with the help of grade 2 students. This cross-divisional interaction helps form community connections, and testing and retesting build perseverance, another of the core values of ISK.

These engaging STEAM projects reveal many layers of benefits for our learners. The interdisciplinary nature of STEAM develops teamwork, interpersonal skills, reflection on progress, and a desire to try out new skills. Students also have opportunities to practice
foundational skills that are applicable to a wide range of careers. Through this program, ISK is working to achieve its vision: to prepare our students to make tomorrow’s world better.

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