AISZ Community Celebrates Croatia Day

On Monday, May 13, the whole AISZ community from students, staff, parents and special guests honored an important historic moment in Croatia's history, the joining of the European Union on July 1st, 2013.

cor-eu-iAISZ's World Family Committee decided to have a day for Croatia each year with one facet of Croatian culture celebrated. This year's focus was on instruments, music and folk dancing and celebrating Croatian's entry into the EU. An assembly was held in the school courtyard with students performing. Everyone was dressed in some form of Croatian colors, red-white checkers, blue and even folk costumes. A 20 year time capsule was put together by students from all grades with messages for the future. The messages were placed in a small chest and into our trophy case. Following the assembly, senior kindergarten to grade 8 students had the opportunity to participate in workshops to learn about Croatian instruments, folk music and folk dances.

The event was truly memorable for the entire community.

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