CEESAS Teacher Support Institute for Visual Arts, Design & Technology Teachers

CEESAS Teacher Support Institute for Visual Arts, Design & Technology Teachers, hosted by the International School of Helsinki, September 27-30, 2012.

TOPICS WDC 2012 in Helsinki Sharing ideas and experiences in the field of design Design workshops and unit sharing Field trips to design museums and other design related places Finnish Culture Please contact Monica Joensuu if you have a specific topic you would like include to the program or present.

COSTS 50€/person including:two lunches, coffee, local transportation during institute program and entrance cost for museums Recommended accommodation: Hotel Holiday Inn Helsinki West (Sulhasenkuja 3, 00180 Helsinki).

Estimated price: Single room 80 € per night, including breakfast Double room 90 € per night, including breakfast and use of gym.

Target audience: Visual Arts, Design & Technology Teachers.

Registration: email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 24 August, 2012.

Location: International School of Helsinki School address: Selkämerenkatu 11 FIN-00180 HELSINKI, Finland Website: www.ish.edu.hel.fi

DRAFT PROGRAM 27-30 September 2012

THURSDAY 27 September

  • Travel day and arrival to Helsinki

FRIDAY 28 September

  • 8:15 Pick-up from the hotel
  • 8:30 Director´s welcome and coffee in the staff lounge at ISH
  • 9:00 Tour of the school and visits to classrooms
  • 9:30 WDC introduction
  • 10:30 Coffee break
  • 10:45 Design workshops and unit sharing
  • 11:45 Lunch at ISH Cafeteria
  • 12:15 Field trip to the Cable Factory ARKKI-Architecture school for Children and Youth
  • 14:00 Coffee break and tour around the Cable Factory
  • 14:30 Visit to the Aalto University - School of Art, Design and Architecture
  • 16:00 Group Collaboration at the University Café
  • 19:00 Return back to the hotel

SATURDAY 29 September

  • 9:00 Pick-up from hotel
  • 9:15 Design workshops and unit sharing continues
  • 11:30 Lunch at ISH Cafeteria
  • 12:00 Visit to the Design Museum and the Finnish Museum of Architecture
  • 14:00 Coffee at Café Kappeli
  • 15:00 Alternative visit to National Gallery Ateneum or Contemporary Art Museum Kiasma
  • 17:00 Return back to the hotel
  • 19:00 Institute Participants dinner at restaurant Elite

SUNDAY 30 September

  • Departure date

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