Post Conference Sessions

On Sunday March 17 three post conference sessions will be offered. For these sessions the participants should pre-register by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Apple Distinguished Educators

Kurt Klynen, Oscar Stringer and Petr Mára will be presenting the Group Session "Video Apps Across The Curriculum". This Post Conference session is from 09:00-12 noon. This session has also a limited number of 30 participants. Cost will be Euro 65 per person which includes coffee breaks and lunch.

The Council of International Schools: Evaluation and Accreditation Protocol

It is a 09:00-15:00 session which has a limited number of 30 participants. Cost will be Euro 65 per person which includes coffee breaks and lunch.


Future's Meeting "The Nuts And Bolts Of Foresight Education" from 09:00-15:00

Since this program is sponsored by CEESA, there will be no charge for participants to attend. Coffee breaks and lunch will be included. The meeting is to provide support for the current schools involved in the program and for others from their school or new schools to learn more about the process. It will be a great time for the current participants to network for future work. This session is limited to 30 participants and requires pre-registration with Ingrid.

Please register as soon as possible by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. As this session has a limited number of participants we handle on a 'first come, first serve"-basis.

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