3 Day Workshop Focused on Assessment for Learning

The American International School of Budapest invites all CEESA Math Teachers, Elementary through High School. 

Monday November 21th thru Wednesday November 23rd , 2011 (workshop flyer).

Workshops will provide a variety of opportunities for teachers to share and refine their own practices regarding classroom assessment, including:

  • Professional development focusing on assessment practices and strategies guided by Ann Shannon, PhD. Ann is a leading curriculum developer and assessment consultant in the U.S. and U.K., currently working for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to provide trainings for teachers in districts and states who have adopted the new Common Core Standards. 
  • Assessment show and tell: interested teachers/teams of teachers will be invited to bring examples of classroom assessments with student work to share for the purpose of getting feedback about purpose, alignment, student learning, and implications for moving forward.
  • In-classroom research lessons: interested teachers/teams of teachers will be invited to teach research lessons. The purpose will be to focus group discussion and re?ection on actual classroom experiences grounded in actual student learning. 

Workshops will focus on issues related to classroom assessment, including:

  • Using formative assessment to inform and guide learning and teaching
  • Giving feedback to students to move them forward
  • Broadening what we think of as assessment to include genuine opportunities for students to put the mathematics they are learning to work
  • Alignment of standards-based instruction and assessment

RSVP with general interest, questions, suggestions by May 31:

  • Jacob Disston, 8th Grade Math Teacher, AIS Budapest: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Paul Ducharme, Principal, AIS Budapest: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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