CEESA Welcome Letter

Dear Colleagues, 

I am really excited for the start of the 2012-13 School Year! Our mission to "lead educational transformation through collaboration" is the driving force for our work this year. We are committed to providing the best quality professional development and support as we strive to accomplish our goals to improve education in the region.

kathy-stetsonWe have an extensive line-up of CEESA sponsored activities for our students. Go to the calendar to see where and when students will be visiting your school. Thanks to all of the schools and host families, as we could not have these programs without your support.

We also are planning several professional development workshops and institutes throughout the region. Keep checking back for updates on the events page.

The CEESA Conference will be held March 14-16th in Prague and will include pre-conference sessions on Differentiated Instruction and Managing and Leading Change. Our keynote speakers are Alan November and Chris Lehmann. We have a new format for the conference. We will also have many special presenters offering practical, hands-on workshops.

I look forward to seeing you in your schools, at our professional development sessions and in Prague for the CEESA Conference.

On behalf of the CEESA team, I wish you all the best for a successful and transformational school year.

Kathy Stetson

CEESA Executive Director

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