Associate Organizations

Membership Benefits Comparison


$1,200 / year
$1,700 / year
$3,500 / year
Member directory listing at, incl. logo, contact info, company profile and more. Self managed at your convenience
Logo & link to the directory profile promoted on several pages at
Your deals and offers promoted at
One annual electronic promo email to the mailing list incl. CEESA school directors, principals, curriculum coordinators, business managers and other leadership positions
Logo & link promoted during CEESA events
1 event
3 events
5 events
Promotion of events offered by your organization via CEESA social networks
1 / year
3 / year
5 / year
Blog post about your service on the CEESA website, promoted via CEESA social networks
1 / year
2 / year
3 / year
One video promoting your services promoted via CEESA social networks
Discounted CEESA Conference registration fee
Logo & link on *
Virtual booth in the conference app Whova - exhibit your brochures, videos, images, live showcase and chat with visitors *
A choice of prime spots for table setup in the CEESA Conference exhibit hall **
3rd choice
2nd choice
1st choice
Sponsorship highlighted in the Whova conference app
Sponsorship acknowledged in a Conference speech by CEESA’s Executive Director
Invitation to the VIP dinner at the CEESA Conference **

* If registered for the CEESA Conference

** If registered for the on-site CEESA conference

Last reviewed: 10 November 2022

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