• CEESA leads educational transformation through collaboration

    CEESA leads educational transformation through collaboration

  • CEESA programs inspire students to learn and develop holistically

    CEESA programs inspire students to learn and develop holistically

  • CEESA Head of School PAs & Secretaries Job-A-Like Part 2.

  • Globetrottin’ ADs Student Athlete Leadership Conference

  • MYP/DP Mother Tongue Literature “Connect” Zoom Meeting

  • Registration for the 2021 CEESA Conference is open!

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CEESA Professional Development

Professional Development Opportunity

Understanding the Spelling-Meaning Connection: Structured Word Inquiry. Presenter: Pete Bowers, 7th - 9th October 2011, Sofia Bulgaria.

United States
Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20520
August 30, 2011

Dear Colleague:

We in the Office of Overseas Schools would like to wish you and your school a successful new school year. This past summer was extraordinarily busy for our office. We again sponsored a large number of staff development activities attended by hundreds of overseas schools personnel, and we were able to obtain additional funding to enhance security in your schools. Most of you have received Phase II grants for this purpose. If you have any questions about the security grants, please contact your Regional Education Officer.

It is my pleasure to send you the attached announcement of the Summer 2012 staff development opportunities sponsored by the Office of Overseas Schools. We hope this early notice will assist you in advance planning with your staff. As noted, applications will be available after January 31, 2012.

I am also including the 2011-2012 brochure about Project AERO. AERO is dedicated to assisting overseas schools in developing and implementing standards-based curriculum. The website www.ProjectAERO.org is available with the latest curriculum resources. In addition, regional AERO workshops are being supported by our office and your regional association.

This year four new resources are available:

We hope that you will find these materials useful in your efforts to improve your school’s curriculum and that you will consider participating in the Summer 2012 workshops sponsored by A/OS.

Again, all our best wishes for a successful school year.


Keith Miller, Director
Office of Overseas Schools

Refer here for Summer programs and other opportunities

Faculty Exchange

The CEESA Faculty Exchange Program is an initiative that offers an excellent opportunity for schools with needs to receive help from other schools within the region that have particular strengths. Teachers who need/want to observe a successful teacher or program may travel to a school and observe, or a master teacher may be invited to a school to provide PD for a less experienced teacher. The attached information provides guidelines for this program as well as an evaluation form.

European Literacy Coaching Cohort

Click Here for a flyer with initial information regarding the new European Literacy Coaching Cohort. We are very excited about this new joint ECIS/CEESA learning opportunity being offered to teachers in our region. Application forms and more detailed information will be available to teachers on February 15, 2011.


The Association for the Advancement of International Education, AAIE, is sponsoring Summer Institutes on Brain Research and on Differentiation. Information and registration forms are available here:

You will also find information on the AAIE website.

AP Workshop

This Fall's AP Workshops took place November 12 and 13 in Skopje.
Here is a flyer with details.

A new film about AP and International schools.

Buffalo State

Buffalo State's International Graduate Programs for Educators offers programs of interest to many CEESA teachers.

Lehigh University

Lehigh University's College of Education offers a variety of online programs.

They also offer Summer Leadership Institutes for Summer 2011.

Montana State

Montana State University's Library Media K-12 Program is available to teachers as a graduate certificate to add to a teaching credential. Classes may also be taken by practitioners who want recertification credits as long as space is available. Classes are limited to 20 students.

The full program is 21 credits and leads to K-12 library media certification. You will need to locate a "mentor" librarian and library unless you are already working in a school library.

Service Learning

CEESA Service Learning Institutes took place 16-17 October 2009 in Vienna, and Sept 17-19 in Zagreb.
See a short video from the most recent Institute.

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CEESA Schools

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