Tuesday, 21 August 2018 10:51

CEESA Teachers Slowpitch Tournament

Once again a teacher slowpitch tournament has kicked off the CEESA event year.

90 teachers and staff members graced the beautiful campus of AIS Budapest last weekend for the 8 th annual teachers slowpitch tournament.

AIS Budapest was joined by teams from AAS Sofia, IS Helsinki, AS Warsaw and AIS Vienna.

The event is a fixed point on the calendar for many of the participants who have been taking part of all of the eight years. The goal of the tournament is fun of course and to have bonding experience with school and CEESA wide colleagues.

This years round robin tournament was won by the hosts, AIS Budapest but had three teams with an even record, showing how even the competition was.

Next years tournament will be once again back to its first home at the Viennese Prater, hosted by AIS Vienna, on August 17, 2019.

For questions or to register a team please feel free to contact me.

Nick DeForest
AIS Vienna
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