Wednesday, 08 May 2019 13:13

AISV Supports Student English Language Contests of Lithuania

It has already been about seven years for AISV to support Lithuania-wide English Language contests by providing human resources for the organising committee for contest planning and implementation as well as by sponsoring student awards including spending a day at AISV with an opportunity to experience an international model of education.

AISV has sponsored six students this school year during the contests held in Vilnius in February for Grade 11 students and for Grades 9-10 students in Palanga in April. 

A group of students and their English language teacher from Varėna spent a day at AISV in April.

They attended classes, went on the field trip together with AISV Grade 11 students, and explored CAS programs of our seniors during the annual IB DP CAS Fair on April 11th. The guests enjoyed the day at AISV a lot, and were very thankful for this valuable opportunity.