How Motivation Research Can Inform Instruction

Leigh Miller, Literacy coach at the American International School of Budapest

Strand: Mission-Driven Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: All

Research on motivation and engagement has been synthesized to highlight four elements of a motivating learning environment

  • congruence with the individual’s personal goals
  • congruence with the individual’s capabilities
  • provision of resources needed to facilitate goal attainment
  • a supportive emotional climate (Ford, 1992)

These elements will be explored and ideas for integrating them into multiple disciplines will be provided. The Reading Workshop will be utilized as an example context for how these elements can effectively encourage motivation in the K-12 classroom. During this session, research data collected by the presenter displaying how the Reading Workshop increases student motivation by incorporating the four elements will be shared.

Middle School Reading Workshop – What It Looks Like And How To Launch It

Connie Miller, eighth grade Language Arts teacher at the American International School of Vienna

Strand: Innovative Learning, Grade level: Grade 5-8, Subject area: Language Arts

Participants will learn how one school has implemented a reading workshop approach and how this learner-centered approach naturally differentiates and moves students through increasingly complex text.

Moving From Co-blab-oration To Collaboration

Jennifer Hughes, PD and Assessment Coordinator at the Anglo-American School of Moscow

Strand: Collaborative Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: All

Have you ever been to a meeting where...

  • You talk and talk and get nowhere?
  • There is a burning issue/problem that cannot move forward because of unstructured conversation?
  • ou walk away from the meeting feeling unsatisfied, frustrated and not having anything new of significance that could help the issue?
  • Protocols are vehicles for building communication and collaboration skills that are needed in a professional learning community. In this workshop you will learn what is a protocol and why they are useful. You will have the opportunity to experience using a protocol, reflect on its efficacy and begin to inquire how you might apply protocols in your schools. In preparation for this workshop, we ask participants to bring a question or issue in mind on which they would potentially like to gain perspective. For example, “How can we effect change in a school with high turnover?”

Family Literacy Programs: Making Parental Involvement More Effective

Heidi Laffay Zarzeczny, Third grade teacher at the American school of Warsaw and Joseph Swinea, Sixth grade teacher at the John F. Kennedy School, Berlin

Strand: Collaborative Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: Literacy

Family literacy programs raise student achievement and help bring parents and children closer together. Participants will learn the reasoning behind family literacy programs, different ways to get programs started at their schools, and details to consider while launching a family literacy program. Participants will also be provided with a list of resources for further study. Join us in discussing how schools, teachers and parents can effectively collaborate to help their children.

Using The iPad To Share, Edit And Create classroom resources

Oscar Stringer, Apple Distinguished Educator

Strand: Innovative Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: All

Oscar will provide a hands-on practical walkthrough for creating content in and for the classroom, how to share that to students and allow them to edit and enhance. This session is relevant to all areas of the curriculum and is a great introduction to classroom activities using the iPad as ‘just another tool’ available to teachers and students.

Deep Listening Skills in the Modern Language Classroom: Tapping Into The Magic

Valerie Navarro, World Languages and Kevin Hawkins, Middle School principal at the International School of Prague

Strand: Innovative Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: Modern Language Acquisition

In this experiential workshop, participants will learn ways to focus student listening so as to enhance comprehension, cultural awareness and interpersonal communication in the ML classroom. World Language teacher, Valerie Navarro and MS principal, Kevin Hawkins, of the International School of Prague, will provide background in the art of "grounding" students prior to deep immersion listening experiences. In addition to learning ways to access the enhanced potential of the brain through deep listening, participants will be shown ways to embed Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities through authentic sound-based performance assessments in the language of instruction.

Mathematics: The Science Of Pattern

Natalie Croome and Kath Kummerow, Fourth and First Grade Class Teachers at the International School of Prague

Strand: Mission-Driven Learning, Grade level: Grade 1-5, Subject area: Mathematics

This workshop will explore how teachers can engage, empower and inspire (ISP School Mission) students in mathematics by looking at the pathways that can follow as they inquire into patterns together. Ways in which teaching patterns can vary from level to level within and across grades will be addressed. This workshop will involve sharing examples of inquiries into pattern and patterning and resulting work. It will also engage participants in hands-on activities, with the intention of empowering them to explore patterns further with their students.

Service Learning Job-Alike

Amy McLean, Second grade teacher and Erika Saravanja, Fifth grade teacher at the American International School of Zagreb

Strand: Social and Emotional Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: Service Learning

Hosted by AISZ’s Amy McLean and Erika Saravanja, we will begin with an interactive activity to get to know one another and share experiences with Service Learning. After the activity, we will have a chance to talk about some of the successes and challenges of integrating Service Learning into a school. Discussions will revolve around the needs of the participants however, some suggested topics might be:

  • How do we get buy in from all areas of the school community
  • How do we get buy in from the greater community
  • How to keep SL embedded into the curriculum
  • What advice would you give to a teacher starting out with SL
  • What advice would you give a school that was starting out with SL

This session is open to anyone regardless of experience with SL or grade level.

A Model For Developing Global Citizenship In Students Across The Curriculum

Edgar Miranda, Elementary Principal at the Anglo-American School of Sofia

Strand: Social and Emotional Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: Global Citizenship

Many, many educators are in agreement that developing the value of global citizenship in children is an important endeavor. However, the challenge for many is how to do so in a meaningful manner. With pressure of implementing a very robust curriculum the question for many is where they can find the time to "teach" global citizenship in the school day. The design of this approach allows for the full integration of the teaching of the principles and the concepts of global citizenship across the curriculum. This design has been successfully replicated in a number of schools.

In this presentation participants will be presented with a model they can replicate in their own schools. With this framework they will be able to teach and promote global citizenship without compromising academic excellence. A template will be provided to all participants that illustrate how to carry out this integration.

This is a closed session.

“Bullying Prevention Program”, by Fran Prolman / Room Berlin

Bullying Prevention Program

Fran Prolman, Fran Prolman is an independent consultant in Great Falls, VA, a Senior Consultant with Research for Better Teaching, and Vice President for Training for the Center for Arts in Basic Curriculum.

Strand: Innovative Learning, Grade level: All, Subject area: All

This one-hour introductory session highlights the need for a proactive Anti-Bullying program at your school, and how to institute one. Practical materials and nine pro-active strategies to specifically counteract bullying will be provided for immediate application when you return home. Join us for this hands-on, high energy and thought provoking workshop.

"CEESA Rep Meeting" by Kathy Stetson / Room Belvedere V

CEESA Rep Meeting

Kathy Stetson


Join other CEESA Representatives to discuss how we can work better as a team. We will focus on new regional programs and generate topics for regional Professional Development for 2013-14. The selection of the TieCare Community Service Award will be finalized.