
NIAAA LTC 719 / Leadership, Management/Supervision and Decision Making Concepts, Methods and Applications by Sheri Stice / Room Paris

LTC 719 Athletic Administration: Leadership, Management/Supervision and Decision Making Concepts, Methods and Applications

This course examines relevant strategies and principles that can be utilized to enhance the skills of the athletic administrator in the areas of leadership, management and decision-making. Learning begins with an introduction to the differences between leadership, management and supervision, and continues with an in-depth investigation of each. Through the analysis of specific leadership and management characteristics and techniques, students will be able to apply specific skills to improve their leadership effectiveness. Concepts and techniques of decision-making strategies are discussed and demonstrated through various in-class exercises. Appendices provide relevant materials, instruments and assessment procedures that support text materials and principles.

NIAAA LTC 705 / Coach Centered Educational Athletics—A Character Based Coach to Coach mentoring program by Ron Belinko / Room Madrid

LTC 705 Athletic Administration: Coach Centered Educational Athletics—A Character Based Coach to Coach mentoring program

Character based coach to coach mentoring programs utilizes the talents, strengths and qualities of the entire team of coaches to maximize the potential of the coaching staff. Mentoring is an attitude, a relationship and an investment, which provides coaches the opportunity to support and nurture each other professionally, personally and ethically. This course will highlight mentoring models that demonstrate key behaviors to implement when establishing an effective mentoring program. It will also provide athletic administrators strategies and methods to develop and enhance successful coach-to-coach mentoring programs.