The new rules and procedures, and judging will be discussed. 

This workshop is for AD/AC’s, Robotic coaches, and those who are interested in getting started in Robotics either at the MS or HS level. The workshop will outline the necessary steps to get started in Robotics, keep your school involved, and host events.

This workshop is for AD/AC’s, coaches, and school administrators and will help you understand and implement Social Media strategies to enhance your Athletic and Activity Program.

This workshop will focus on the athletic administrator's role in the hosting of athletic events.

This workshop will explore motivating factors for today’s youth and how to utilize those factors to maximize your students’ potential. 

This course is designed to inform athletic administrators how to more effectively organize and manage their time, apply time management principles, be more productive and have balance to life.

This course provides insights and strategies for the leadership of developmentally sound educationally compatible Junior High/Elementary school athletic programs.

Please view the flyer below.

This workshop addresses the following questions: Of the many variables affect student learning -- among which are factors related to stress-hardiness, social and emotional wellbeing, ability to focus and attend, and the ability to bounce back from setbacks of all kinds -- which specific "protective factors" (as determined by behavioral research) can have the biggest positive impact on learning? How can classroom teachers and school leaders assess for the presence (or absence) of critical protective factors affecting student wellbeing and academic success and, most importantly, ensure their active presence in the school environment?

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